Hosted by Katie Mahalic
43 sec

Our episode schedule drops every 4th Tuesday of the month, and we’ll be kicking off the second half of Shadow Clock's season in February.
That said… we’re bringing February’s episode to you a little early—in just two weeks—to line up with Valentine’s Day! Get ready for a heartwarming meet-cute story set in 1968 called Computer Date Match! I promise you won’t want to miss it! Stay tuned for our next episode on February 11th!
In the meantime... RADIO INTERVIEW! Catch me tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29, at 9:10 PM. I’ll be hanging out with radio host Blake Pfeil on his show The Pfeil File on WKNY/Radio Kingston, chatting about Shadow Clock and so much more!
Announcement! New Episode! Radio Interview! What more could one want?!
Music Transcripts Meet the Host